World, meet The SuperCamp.
This blog is about my journey from intrepid novice to pro-camper.
It's about the steady rise of TheSuperCamp from scrapyard reject to EnvyOfTheHighways
It's about one man's steady decline into obsession and baldness.
The Beginning
A long long time ago, I bought 'The Bus Converter's Bible' It is apparently - as the name would suggest - a bible for bus converters. However, as a younger man, completely inexperienced in any kind of vehicle mechanics, metal working or electrics, it proved to be more a 'The Bus Converter's Qur'an' (may as well have been written in Arabic.) So, much like my dreams, the 'Bible has sat on the shelf, inactive and unused for a very long time.
Bedford MJ, The Truck Stage |
However, dreams that sit in the back of the head have a curious way of
slowly manifesting themselves into reality. Selfish little things they
are. Through hook and crook I have ended up working for an events
company that makes vehicle-stages. We have a West Midlands double
decker bus, an MJ Bedford truck and a MK1 Ford transit. All of which
have been converted into mobile stages complete with full PA and
So, I have now found myself with a modicum of knowledge concerning old diesel engines and a love for vintage (the posh word for slightly ropey) vehicles. So, with the space to work, the materials and tools to work with and the experience of people around me to help, now seems like the perfect time to pluck the dream from my head and blow it up into a full blown, tangible thing. What could go wrong....
'The Bus Converter's Qur'an'